Thursday, August 1, 2013

The ROCK 2.0 - More Benchwork Installed

I installed another long section of benchwork this evening before heading to the pool.  It took about 5 minutes to install.  You gotta love the pre-built sections.

The ROCK 2.0 - More Benchwork, New Forms, Lumber Run

The other night, I added another 18" by 4ft section of benchwork at West Ottawa Yard toward Utica. I have another pre-built section that will span the rest of that wall down to Utica proper.

I found a copy of the RI Yard Clerk Manual from back int he 70s on the net.  I read through that with great enjoyment.  I found this form used when moving explosive cars.  Since, we move dynamite on the ROCK to the Ottawa Silica plant, I must re-create these forms.  I wasn't sure of the color of the original form, but I like safety yellow.  Here's what I created below.  It's pretty darn close to the real thing.

In other news, I need to make a lumber run.  The pre-built sections I have will not last much longer.  I need some 8ft long 1x4s.  

eBay sales have been going well this week.  eBay has been pushing fast and free shipping.  So, I decided to comply.  I then commenced in adding shipping to the low price that I would have took for the car.  Low and behold stuff is selling faster than with the lower price and shipping separate.  Go figure.  It works out better for me in the long run as I don't have to combine shipping on multiple items sold.  The average price received per car has gone up.

Monday, July 29, 2013

The ROCK 2.0 - The ROCK Rises Again!

In a brief 10 to 15 minute period available to me while waiting on the girls, I reviewed the plans and sized up my existing benchwork pieces.  Aha!  I have a piece that would be perfect for Ottawa Yard!  With the assistance of my little helper Elizabeth, the first piece of benchwork has been installed.

ROCK 2.0 rises from the ashes!