Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Progress Report 04.18.12

Sanded and repainted the roads in Bureau.  Added the new, longer spur track for Daniel Grain Company in Bureau.

Burr Oak Yard in Chicago received a renovation.  Chicago's staging had a total of 6 storage tracks plus two tracks for a locomotive facility.  The problem is that I had to double up locals on the same track as I simply didn't have enough space.  Since, the locomotive facility wasn't used like the one in Davenport (due to the yard being stub ended), I decided to rip it out.  In its place, I added two storage tracks.  So, now, I have a total of eight storage tracks, plus a thoroughfare / run around track.  This will help greatly during the op session.  This will also allow the passenger train to stay on the main in Blue Island and terminate in the yard.  Last session, patrons were walking across the main.  I have observed this on various Rock Island movies during the 60s and 70s, but not very safety conscious.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Progress Report 04.15.12

Over the weekend, I completed sorting through the waybill cards, added in new cards and purged many as I had way too many extras.

Paved over the farm fields in Ottawa with plaster.  They were attached with caulk.  There was no way to remove it without making a big mess.  So, I figured I would just plaster over the landscape.  It worked out well.  Cut and glued down the track for the new Libbey-Owens-Ford plant.

Added some more "asphalt" to the roads in Bureau as they were a little rougher than I preferred.

School is due to be out in eight more weeks.  That will cut down my early morning work time when they are out due to sleeping curfews.  I need to push forward before the summer months.
