Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The ROCK 3.0: Progress Report 09.03.14

Today was a really busy day, but I managed to get a little bit done on the layout.  I vacuumed up the excess grass from the base coat around South Ottawa from yesterday's application.  I also drew the yellow lines on Ottawa Avenue.  It is looking better already.  Next step, static grass.

Ottawa Avenue

Overhead view of South Ottawa and Ottawa Avenue.  
There will be a gravel fenced in lot around the water tower as well as a 

The basic ground cover looks good.  At least it is not all white now.

Small shop building for Libbey-Owens-Ford.

Looking north from Ottawa Avenue at the Ottawa Silica Plant. 

The yellow lines look pretty good.

This is some kind of high power marker I found at Hobby Lobby.  I have tried using paint pens in the past, but they don't seem to do well.  They either work one time and then useless or just don't perform well at all.  It's hard to regulate the paint coming out of those pens.  

I still need to use some weathering powders to weather the road.