Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Tale of Two Sisters

Crews operating the CRI&P have long heard about the two sisters Maude and Buela Mae from Bureau, but many don't know the full story behind these two ladies.

Rookie Engineer Jeff took it upon himself to dig up the geneology on these two.

It was brought to my attention after picking up Buela Mae, that I didn't even know the ladies last name. After some extensive searching at the Bureau Public Library and contacting the Chamber of Commerce in Bureau, I now know the ladies full names.  They are the Wyzas sisters!  Buela Mae is the younger of the two, Maude Ethel is the old lady.

Both Wyzas sisters are long lost relatives of the CEO that live in Bureau, IL.  Bureau is a very small town with only a handful residents and a small general store.  The Wyzas sisters homes are easy to spot; the only two nearly identical homes side-by-side separated by a 8 foot tall privacy fence.   You see, the two sisters can't stand each other.  Legend has it they had a disagreement back in the 1939 over a guy.  There was a big knock down drag out fight between the two.  Since that day, they have refused to talk to each other.  Although they reside in the same small town, you will never find the two out at the same time.  They dislike each other so much that they require separate trains to ride to Chicago.  Aunt Maude typically takes the early scheduled trains for her daily trip into Chicago while Buela Mae takes the latter pair.  The Peoria Rocket is required to make a special reverse move across the wye just to accommodate the bickering sisters.  Crews are reminded not to arrive early back at Bureau.  Aunt Maude takes a smoke on her front porch every day after returning from Chicago.  I don't even want to mention what would happen if she is required to put out her cigarette early!  The last engineer that did that hasn't been seen since!

Crews secretly hope the sisters would pass to avoid the tireless bickering and complaints generated from the two.  Unfortunately the old gals keep kicking as they approach 90s years of age. 

So for the indefinite future, crews will continue to endure the two Wyza sisters from Bureau.

A special thanks to newly appointed Senior Class Engineer Jeff for his dedication and research of the ROCK's heritage!

~ CEO Steven Johnson

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